Saturday, January 2, 2010

20. Bishop Allen

20. Bishop Allen-

I have been in love with this band for three years, so I was greatly pleased to get their new release this year. Not only that, but I got to see them live, not once, but twice. They are a lot of fun and yet another band from Brooklyn. If you like anything I post of theirs here, I highly recommend owning all of the LP's, they are all good. Featured on Nick & Nora's Infinite Playlist, they are finally getting some notoriety, but there was only about 30 kids at the show in Austin. Their lyrics are fun and poignant, about love and loss (what true indie band isn't about that). If you're from my home state, you will especially love the song Oklahoma...I think it should be our new state song, personally. "I will ride the darkest horse..."



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