Sunday, January 3, 2010

14. Grizzly Bear

14. Grizzly Bear-

I honestly can't believe this made it for two reasons. Since my criteria is the number of times I listened to LP on iTunes and the iPod, certain albums with creative excellence such as Cymbals Eat Guitars and Animal Collective may have been precluded. However this release from (you guessed it) Brooklyner's Grizzly Bear has somehow managed to rise to the top of my charts and not just my charts, but everyone else's as well. Why is that so special, you ask? These guys are psychedelic/experimental folk pop. They don't have that pop sensibility or easy carry through that many of the rest of these LP's have. While I love experimental music...listening to it over and over and over is not something that usually happens. So, hype or no hype, I applaud these guys for crossing all the lines, selling out all their shows on their tour and for having so much success. The music world needed this in a bad way. Perhaps art will become a commodity over pop culture one of these days. I've included both videos for their artisic flamboyance.

All We Ask


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